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Munchiverse is the future of pickup, dine in and delivery. We have created a multi-restaurant ordering experience available through our app!

That's right, multiple restaurants available in one place and in one checkout process, and the best thing about it is you now get Munchies (rewards) for each purchase to go towards unlocking in app rewards.

Bringing the virtual world back into brick and mortar, we now have the ability to run all our virtual brands though a self ordering kiosk.


All the brands in one checkout experience, this is perfect for those locations with heavy foot traffic or competition and wish to offer a variety menu to your guests without having menu boards and posters everywhere.

Have another opportunity to work with us?

Stuck in a situation where you own a pub or hotel but it's not feasable for you to run the kitchen anymore, but you still need an offering for your guests?

A leasing agent with a spot in your food court that you just can't find an operator to take a short lease but you need to fill up that prime real estate?

Let's think outside the box here, are you...

Go Dark was established out of a necessity to stay in business. OUR BRANDS ARE CREATED BY BUSINESS OWNERS FOR BUSINESS OWNERS

Go Dark was established out of a necessity to stay in business. OUR BRANDS ARE CREATED BY BUSINESS OWNERS FOR BUSINESS OWNERS


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